
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bring it on 2017!

Wow it has been so long since my last blog post!

2016 had been a great year for me personally and Sew Fabby. I must write a 2016 round up post soon so I won't forget how wonderful 2016 treated me. :) Sew Fabby was given a few media coverage, I traveled, joined a few bazaar and much more exiting things happened in 2016.

I guess it's not too late for me to wish my readers (if I still have any) a very Happy New Year!
 May we be showered with blessings and only great things in 2017!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Taking a break

These few weeks, a lot of things happened after one another and I'm really exhausted. This is so not me, rambling about how tired I am. I think my machine is too too too tired as well, it kept making weird sounds and finally stopped while embroidering my customer's towel last week. And I still have dozens of towels to be completed. 

I don't really need a vacation, I need a break. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hajj 1436

Selamat Menunaikan Haji bagi yang mendapat giliran tahun ni. 
Semoga ibadat diterima, dan mendapat Haji Mabrur inshaAllah. 

My eldest sister left for Hajj last Friday, mixed feelings. Happy that she gets to go at such young age, but also sad that this probably the longest time we won't be seing each other. But Alhamdulillah for the technology, we get to talk every day. :) She reached Mekah on Saturday, after the crane accident, and told us that everything is back to normal. 

I'm sure all of us read about the crane incident, Al-Fatihah to the victims. It is everyone's wish & dream to die in front of Kaabah, on Friday and while performing Umrah or Hajj and they got all of it. May the family be strong to face this incident, and may Allah bless them. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sewing Workshop at Publika

I'm hosting a sewing workshop next Sunday, 27th September 2015
at SupermartPOP Publika Shopping Mall.

Workshop: Denim Upcycle

We'll be making a denim pouch & denim basket from old jeans
(please bring your own old jeans)

This workshop is perfect for those who wants to learn basic sewing, and has no sewing experience at all. Or if you just want to enjoy a simple sewing class with no hassle. I'll teach how to do basic straight stitch, and how to install zipper to a pouch. 

If you're interested to join, the fee is RM100 per pax. Come with a friend and get RM10 discount (RM90 each). To register, e-mail hello@sewfabby.com or leave your e-mail address at the store and I'll get in touch with you soonest possible.