Friday, January 20, 2012

Sew Along : Cosmo Bag

one of my sewing group is now organizing a sew along project for cosmo bag, designed by amy butler. Ruzila Kasim started it and phew! rupanya ada ramai yang berminat nak jahit bag ni. as for myself, my story with this bag is ermm quite upsetting. 

i bought this book soon after i read about it at kak Rozi's blog. but then, i had problem understanding the steps as there are not many pictures in it and perlu berangan di situ untuk faham all the steps. i even went to a class, but my two hour session was spent only for cutting the fabrics, and i was so lazy to go back there for another two hour session of ironing. so, i kept the book and didn't go back again.

you can google 'amy butler cosmo bag' to see photos of cosmo bags. 
but here's one that i like, from Made by Rozi Rahman

so lovelies, i've cut all the fabrics i need for the bag.
and i'll start sewing tonight, with hope that i can finish it within few hours. 
and bring it back to kampung tomorrow.


Sheila said...

I have this book too, but, erm.. malas.. and yes, the instruction was quite hard due to lack of pictures.

Blossom inch said...

I have this book too and I have sew that bag on the cover...and everyone loves it and all my friends asked me to sew for them...but I said is pretty hard to sew this bag...but the end result is so va va voom!