Tuesday, March 20, 2012

when crafters gathered

i think i wrote before about a sewing group i joined at facebook right? 
if it's not here at sewfabby then it must be at my 3f's.
btw, last few weeks we gathered, after a month or so of preparations. 
unlike the first gathering, we had a theme color: "biru ke laut dalam" hehe

every team member was required to bring a gift for lucky draw session and we got a LOT..! 
some members didn't just bring one, but a few gifts that we ended up getting at least 3 prizes each. 
50 guests, 150 over prizes.

some brought gifts for everyone. we got pyramid purse, sewing notions, brooch, bread, kuah rojak, cookies. all hand made by the team members. cool kan?

this is my gift. a thread organizer which i think is super useful for those who sew.
i mod podged the fabrics onto the board, nailed it, and screw in the hook for hanging purposes.

and Tney won my thread organizer
these ladies, are SUPERB and i am really thankful that Allah lead me to 
this group
and found them as my friends.

1 comment:

Blossom inch said...


Love your sewing and everything are just so nice...I wish I will meet you one day/may be go for your Bazaar. Just wondering how do I join this sewing group...sounds fun!
Let me know. yuzzyusof@gmail.com
