Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tutorial: DIY Business Card for Crafter

i ran out of my name cards after a few bazaars, so i browsed some websites for crafters to get some ideas on great looking name cards, cheap and most importantly something that can represent me & Sewfabby.
so i went through my junks, and figured that i do have some things that might be useful to make this:

you need:

ruled card or anything suitable as your card
mod podge - i used the satin MP
pinking sheers/ scissors
scrap fabrics
craft paper/ normal paper to print your address

print your details, what you want to have on your card
i used craft paper as i love the color.

cut into desired sizes
if you have craft puncher, use it
be free, be yourself

i cut my rules card to the size of 2" x 3", so my craft paper is smaller than that size
then take your scrap fabrics, put some mod podge on the wrong side of the fabric 
and paste it to the ruled card. do this until all cards are done

then continue with your details
paste it using mod podge, on top of the fabric
again, be creative. not all cards need to be horizontal 

when you're done, you can embellish your cards with beads or buttons or ribbons
i used buttons, to clear up my stocks
and you're done..!


Hida Kadiso said...

cantek.. suke tengok banyak warna.. butang pon comel.. =D

Ayu@Sweetlilcraft said...

kreatif, sygnya button tu.hehe :)

Ayu@Sweetlilcraft said...

oh ya, ni blog akk yg baru yg lama dah tutup

please feel free to add ye:)